Bucket List Prelude

I grew up in a structured household surrounded by unconditional love, gifted by two extraordinary parents. In high school there was no argument deciding whether I would go to college or not. The future that lay ahead of me was clear- go to college, get a business degree, and work somewhere in the “big” city. My sophomore year in college this clear, set-in-stone plan became a little blurry.

Feeling spontaneous, I made the decision to change my degree to biology and study abroad in Australia my junior year. Never had I felt so far, so alone, during those first few days in this foreign land. This disruption to my lifelong plan scared me more than anything…until I let myself really live.

Australia gave me a new perspective to life. I began to worry less about what people thought of me, focusing less on trying to “fit in.” In retrospect, I began to be less judgmental of others. I became less materialistic and more carefree. I discovered how to live independently with little accommodations. I learned to travel alone with only a bag full of clothing. The idea of being alone had once frightened me. Now, it’s the best part of traveling. To visualize the beauty of the world; of life. I met new people, some of which became lifelong friends.

I began my studies in biology during the time of my travel to Australia. As a visual learner, I found it useful to draw out muscles, bones, metabolic pathways, etc. Overtime, I grew very fond of drawing and began painting what I was learning.

Post graduation, I traveled to Australia in 2016 and 2018. Although I no longer was in school and had a job to return to, my interest in art persisted. The collection of canvases that continue to accumulate over the years are a reflection of my studies, love for the ocean, and appreciation for the aboriginal culture.

Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays, Au

Whitehaven Beach, Whitsundays, Au


Summer 2024 Bucket List